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Our Team

ZF Enterprises and Publishers is founded by an experienced team that constantly breaks new ground in media publishing & distribution; all the while dreaming up new, exciting ways to get customers to fall in love with our widespread collection.

Abhishek Tyagi, Founder & Director

With more than 20 years’ experience across publishing, sales, operations and marketing, Abhishek is a dynamic executive. When he’s not busy running the show at ZF Enterprises, he enjoys music and travel. Lover of challenges, staunch ambivert and doting dad are just a few of the many hats he wears proudly.

Sameer Tyagi, Director Finance & Trade

Happiest when reading stories to his little girl and cooking for his family, Sameer wants to help our customers, global buyers everywhere access a multitude of books. He has an MBA and he’s not afraid to use it.

Dr. Rajbahadur Tyagi, Visionary

Lover of literature, Dr. Raj is particularly fond of reading the works of great Indian saints like Kabir and Tukaram. A bona fide culture vulture, he enjoys drama and musical productions. At ZF, he is a key visionary and an MBA from FMS Delhi, he leads all finance, book-keeping and accounting.

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